

Enroll Now at Mawar Saron Kindergarten

Begin your child’s educational journey with us. Follow the steps below to complete the enrollment process.

Get Started

Enrolment Steps

  1. Step 1: Visitation and Consultation

    Visit us or contact our admission team for any inquiries.

  2. Step 2: Fill the Application Form

    Fill the online form here or collect a form from our office.

  3. Step 3: Interview and Diagnostic Test

    Your child will be contacted for an interview and diagnostic test.

  4. Step 4: Acceptance and Payment

    You will receive an acceptance message and information on payment.

Click Here for Online Form

Contact Us

Reach us on WhatsApp: +62 895 3459 20852
Email us at info@mawarsaron.org
Address: Hybrida Timur III, Jakarta Utara 14250