About Us

About Us

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Our school is rooted in the Ministry of GBI Mawar Saron. As a unique church-based institution, we are committed to the training of leaders for all generations. In 2001, Senior Pastor Jacob Nahuway and Mrs. Rina Sulanti Wijaya responded to God’s call to establish Sekolah Kristen Mawar Saron on our beautiful church campus. We provide a holistic education through biblical teaching and character building for early learners, as well as SD, SMP, and SMA students.

TK Mawar Saron plays a crucial role for children aged 3 to 6 years, focusing on mental, emotional, and spiritual development through exploration, discovery, and hands-on activities.


To build a Godly Generation

In the training of Hearts of Worship,

In shaping tomorrow’s Leaders,

In creating a lasting Identity,

And in growing in Unity.


  1. The teaching of the Word of God and the works of the Holy Spirit transforming and empowering students for Godly Services.
  2. Equipping students towards mastery learning through technology and quality education from Nursery to High School.
  3. Demonstrating a servant heart, just as God who first loves us, we ought to love others.


  • Creative
  • Humility
  • Responsibility
  • Integrity
  • Submission
  • Teamwork


  • Graha Mawar Saron
  • Indoor Playground
  • Outdoor Playground
  • Swimming Pool
  • Computer Lab
  • Multimedia Classroom

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@2024 Sekolah Kristen Mawar Saron