
Welcome to Mawar Saron Kindergarten

A joyful place for your lovely children to learn and grow.
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About Us

Our school is rooted in the Ministry of GBI Mawar Saron. Being a unique church-based school, we believe in the training of leaders for all generations. In 2001, Senior Pastor Jacob Nahuway and Mrs. Rina Sulanti Wijaya embraced the call of God to open Sekolah Kristen Mawar Saron on its beautiful church campus to provide a holistic education through means of biblical teaching and character building for early learners, SD, SMP, and SMA students. TK Mawar Saron plays this fundamental role for every child aged 3 to 6 years, focusing on the development of mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects through exploration, discovery, and hands-on activities.

Preschool Program

Our preschool program is designed to foster early learning and development through interactive activities and play.

Kindergarten Program

Our kindergarten program offers a comprehensive curriculum to prepare children for primary school with a focus on both academic and social skills.

Contact Us

For any inquiries, please email us
Reach us on WhatsApp: +62 895 3459 20852
Or call us at 021 453 0000 or +62 895 3459 20852
Address: Hybrida Timur III, Jakarta Utara 14250

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